jesus, that sucked
if your gonna make soemthing, make it worthwhile. If you don't think your animations suck, get a friend to tell or something
jesus, that sucked
if your gonna make soemthing, make it worthwhile. If you don't think your animations suck, get a friend to tell or something
beautiful...just beautiful
it's only once in a while a flash as great as this can grace us with it's presence. If i were to criticize this in anyway, it would be to make cpt. kirk's voice not so, Sean Connery-ish lol if you know what i mean, other wise, awesome job, make it a series
t'was indeed a waste of time
sucked.. and i have nothing better to say
It was pretty good, but the music sucked, it was sorta off key for the most part, and the graphics were a bit off, like when mario ran in the first part, he was sorta doin like a frontwards moon walk type of thing. Still, not bad, keep at it.
not too shabby
I liked the part when the snake ated the other snake and then the whole thing blew up and then the world blew up and the everything went boom
it was ok
if it were any other band i probably wouldn't have passed it, put more work into it next time
what's your obsession with homosexuality
your damn lucky there's guidelines in place or else i'd be making some serious accusations. Why would you put gay sex on this marvelous website. It's not funny, and if you find it funny, you are sick, not that i'm homophobic, i just think that you wasted your time making this piece of crap, and then wasted my time puttin it on newgrounds, i want my time back, it could've been spent watching something worthwhile
you can call me gay if you want to. I wont cry to wade or anything.
hmm, good i guess
Well, if it's only your second time making a flash video that's pretty good, but work on the sound, btw, this next part really isn't directed towards you specifically, but i just want to tell everybody who reads this review to stop using that song that this flash started with, it is starting to annoy the sh-- outta me, stop using it, and the matrix song, that's annoying too. Anyways, work on the music
meh, it was alright
nothing really unbelievable, i love how it was long, but the audio sucked with just about everything, i could hear heavy breaths while whoever did voices was speaking, and conversations were really spaced too far, still, good job, make more!
Kick ass
Damn that was so awesome. I would've given it 10/10 for overall but the microsoft sam at the end sorta messed it up, still, nice job
A wise man speaks, but a wiser man will say nothing at all... think about it
Age 45, Male
University of Waterloo
don't think so
Joined on 10/18/04